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C.H. 20代 女性 大阪府大阪市淀川区


治療日 2019/06/15 昼
施術費用 64,841 円
  • 費用は施術当時の金額になります。実際の費用はプラン詳細をご確認頂くかクリニックへお問い合わせください。






  • I've had this treatment done a year ago, so I know what it's like and how much of the outcome that I can expect. The reason for choosing this treatment is very simple: I am getting close to 30 and I want to start the anti-aging care before it's too late.


  • 治療前の説明

  • 患者意見の反映

  • 院内の雰囲気、設備、清潔感

  • 待ち時間、予約の対応

  • プライバシーへの配慮

  • このクリニックを選んだ理由

    This is the only clinic in Osaka that offers the treatments I want together (ultra-lift double and thermo tighting).

  • カウンセリング・施術前の説明を受けた感想

    Since I've done the treatment before, the counseling is just a formality.



  • 医師・スタッフの態度、対応

  • 執刀医、施術者の安心・信頼感

  • 術前、術中、術後の対応

  • 施術の内容・痛み・かかった時間

    It's a little time-consuming, but overall it's not bad. It "hurts" a little near the mouth area. "Hurts" as not really in pain, but a bit annoying since you can feel it shaking your teeth.

  • 来院から施術後までの様子

    I visited the clinic without make-ups, and went home without make-ups as well. But that night I went out drinking and put make-ups on, everything is just as usual.

  • 現時点までの経過

    It has been a week, it's not something that'll give you a dramatic change - not my case anyways, but you can definitely feel your face a little tighter.

  • その他、クリニックへのメッセージなど

    Recommended to those who's considering anti-aging care.

  • クリニックからのコメント


    Thank you very much for choosing Shonan Beauty Clinic Osaka Abenoin from among a number of cosmetic surgery.

    Please do not hesitate to drop in if there is a treatment that will bother you in the future.

    Thank you for posting a review while busy.

    We look forward to seeing you again Dear C. H.

    Shonan Beauty Clinic Osaka Abeno Staff



  • 通院のしやすさ

  • 術後の精神的、身体的負担

  • 術後のアフターサポート

  • トータルでの費用について

  • 治療結果・効果の満足度

  • 施術後どのような経過を辿りましたか?

    Changes may not be visible right away, but if you take pictures and compare the before/after, you can see the result.

  • アフターケアの内容とその感想

    No aftercare is really needed besides wearing sun blocks.

  • 満足度、良かった点など

    I’m satisfied with the result cuz it’s not some drastic change that people think you have surgery done, but more gradual improvement that looks natural.

  • その他、クリニックへのメッセージなど

    I plan to receive this treatment on a regular basis and would recommend to others as well.

  • クリニックからのコメント

    Dear C,H

    Thank you for taking action The other day,

    I am very happy that you are satisfied.

    Please do not hesitate to drop in if there is a treatment that will bother you in the future!

    thank you so much.

    From abeno syonan biyougeka